
BTT school


The Euskadi Cycling Foundation, with the presentation the 21 March 2006 in the Pedagogical Classroom of Derio of the project of “Txorierri mountain bike school”, made a new and powerful commitment to grassroots cycling, central axis of the Foundation's philosophy. After several months of hard work of preparation and planning, the first year of the School, which had the invaluable support of Natural Gas Energy and the Txorierri Commonwealth, held his first class on 17 June 2006.

After more than a decade of operation, la BTT Eskola de la Gela Pedagogikoa continúa con su impecable labor formativa. Each course has more than 40 students who enjoy the world of cycling and deepen in healthy habits, in addition to participating in the school meetings organized by the Bizkaia Cycling Federation.


The primary objective of the “BTT Eskola" It's of dar una continuidad al trabajo efectuado en la Gela giving the opportunity, apart from the children who pass through the classroom facilities throughout the year, to get to know the world of cycling in a more leisurely and specific way, in addition to promoting healthy habits and greater respect for the environment.

¿Quieres apuntarte?

If you like the bike, ¡te estamos esperando! Fun, friends, bike outings, mecánica… y educación vial, hábitos saludables…

  • Age: Come in 6 Y 14 years
  • Lessons: Friday of 17.30 a 19.15
  • Calendar: mid-September to mid-November and mid-February to mid-June
  • Participation in encuentros escolares

Para más información sobre la inscripción, te atendemos en el 94 454 51 27 y en el mail gela@gelapedagogikoa.eus.

Pedagogical Room